Sunday, June 7, 2009

Queen Bee wants your New Trust

Dress - Mi-Casa-Su-Casa, Tights - unbranded, Shoe - Zara

Halo semuaaaa! Thank you so much for the positive comments about the movie, Queen Bee. Keep commenting because it would be great to know more of your thoughts, baik untuk gue juga untuk seluruh tim Queen Bee...

Buat yang belom nonton, nonton yaaaaaaaaaaaaa!



rick.l said...

I've seen the movie. Y'll got a huge dream on that movie, yet the execution is not quite reach that huge dream. I would say average :)

Anyway glad to find a different movie from other big number of not so scary Indonesian horror movie and not so funny Indonesia comedy movie lately.

Y'll need to keep that dream for Indonesia ^^ a Dream of creativity, education, hope and passion of a better Indonesia.

Keep on producing something like this. Countries of big movie Industry have lots of great movies not because they are good at it. It's just because they made plenty of it :)

missmariezriezriez said...

QB, aku udah nonton lhoo filmnya... akting kak tika putri bagus juga... two thumbs up:)
kak,, aku suka banget baju2nya di film QB,, lucu lucu bangetttt!!!!:)

I'm The Chakiman said...

best fashion of QB
Love QB so much

Isty said...

QB filmnya kereeenn!! bajunya lucu2.. bikin pingiinnn >_<

ohya, aku mau tau merk dress + shoes yg diposter kamu dong QB..

trus sama pgn download wallpapernya buat di desktop.. hehehe..

thanks QB! ;)

Unknown said...

the movie is great :) i gotta say. haha. good luck! ^^. mind linking me?

Hoetadjoeloe Marteen said...


Talisa Noor said...

Meskipun belum nonton filmnya, aku suka ide ceritanya yang nggak biasa (info: reviews di koran.haha)
cheer up, QB. Ayo kita bangkit dan majukan perfilman Indonesia! hohoho.

.Film yang baik bukan cuma menghibur, tapi juga harus menginspirasi. Good luck,dear! :)

Tarii said...

wah aku udah nnton film nya. TOP deh! oh ya, baju"nya jg bagus", bisa dijadiin inspirasi hehe :D

Tunjung Putri said...

queenbeeeeeeee i love yaaaaaa ! film nya keren , i love oka antara&your style ! hehe

Anonymous said...

uuh ;)
the first picutre looks very sexy but also very cute!
love it!


Unknown said...

love ure movie
n love ure style QB
suka bgt deh ma baju2 n tasnya..

Fera Simanjuntak said...

keren banget nih movie..citra baru orang Batak yang mantap...thanks atas image yang baik tentang " batak " alias " siregar "...Tika putri, kamu keren banget...hidup indrustri kreatif yah...bravo...cinema Indonesia...

Natassya said...

aku dah liat filmnya..
filmnya berkualitas bgt..
sangat mendidik..
ouw yah queen post-in donk outfit2 apa aja yang queen pake di film itu termasuk juga seragamnya ya..hehehehe..sapa tau bisa di tiru..
ouw ya yg gelangnya itu(yang ada tulisan 'queen')bikin dimana ya??pengen nie...

e9iii.. said...

Qb kewreenn..
kapan qb2nya dibikin?...

nonton2x bareng teman sekls..
commentnya ok semuwa..

jarang tu indonesia bikin film kaya' gini..hehe
