Friday, May 22, 2009

Queen Bee, Rain and Cinderella

Hujan-hujan di dalam mobil. Ngeliat keluar terus inget Cinderella. Gue juga gak tau apa hubungan hujan dengan Cinderella. Haha...:p

Gue tiba-tiba ngerasa kasihan sama kakak-kakak tirinya. Kasihan mereka jadi antagonis melulu.

Mereka jadi jahat kan karena salah didikan ibunya. Let's see the world in their shoes: mereka punya ibu yang mementingkan kecantikan fisik sementara mereka digambarkankan, ehm, berbadan tidak proposional. Padahal bisa aja mereka punya bakat lain...nyanyi mungkin?

Mereka malah didoktrin untuk kerja keras menikah sama pangeran demi "menaikkan taraf hidup" oleh ibu mereka... (Well, I don't say in a right way...). Untuk itu mereka mereka mati-matian jadi cantik biar punya suami pangeran yang kaya dan ganteng. Demi apa? Demi keluarga! Biar dibanggain sama ibu mereka. Kasian kan???

Bandingkan dengan Cinderella:

Adik tiri yang cantik kemayu tapi kalau disuruh kerja malah ngelamun dan ngobrol sama burung dan tikus. Berharap diselamatkan prince charming di siang bolong. Kalau malem nangis dan ngadu sama almarhum ayahnya.

Kalau dipikir-pikir, kenapa coba si Cinderella enggak menyelamatkan dirinya sendiri? Kenapa enggak kabur aja dari rumah dan kerja keras? Toh dia enggak punya ikatan emosional apa-apa dengan keluarga tirinya (yang -katanya- jahat)...

Well, lucky for her there's a fairy godmother in her life.

Back to her step sisters... after Cinderella became a princess: did the world help them? We laughed at their faces because that stupid-fragile-glass high heel didn't fit their feet. Please deh, pangeran sama Cinderella kan cuma dansa beberapa jam aja. Okay, bisa aja "love at the first sight or dance"(?). But MY big question is:

What if Cinderella was "ugly".
Would the prince charming still saved, loved and married her???

Let's give the step sisters some respect, shall we? Kalau dipikir-pikir mereka kan korban trafficking ibunya. Mereka mau dinikahin sama pangeran demi harta... Hey, that story rings a bell.. Haha!

This is why I love Shrek. It has better values than all those princess tales.

Do you agree with me, bees? ;) or this is just me and the bad effect of rain plus traffic jam?


photos taken from here, here and here.


maya puspa dewi said...

waw! maya ga pernah kepikiran sampe situ lah.
kalo dari kecil kita udah di doktrin sama "cantik" yang harus putih, tinggi, blablabla, trus bakal ketemu "prince charming" sambil ngeliat muka si jahat jadi yang tertindas, gimana kita ngerasa semangat yah? yg ada dikasih mimpi terus tanpa ada solusi. hhe, nyambung ga sih?

Gita Ayunda Hasanusindhy said...


that crossed my mind tooo ;p

Anonymous said...

It's called fairy tale, bed story whaterver. it's fiction. maybe you could wondering and asking question about other tales too? there are hundreds or more of them. they created them to sweeten these real bitter life.

do you think if cinderella ran away and work hard can solve the problem? what if she being kidnapped and being raped on her way to someplace she ran to i.e the city, to pursue that "some hard work to do"? have that thoughts ever crossed on ur mind?
she's lucky enuff having a step mom who still let her stay, at least they didn't abuse & beat her like in the real life, she tried to be happy anyway eventho talking wif birds.

every fairy tale has its own moral messages, the story doesn't have to make any senses to pick up some moral lessons from it. well, it's just my opinion.

Anonymous said...

iya juga ya...
dongeng dulu emang bener2

Queen Bee said...

@ anonymus:

"do you think if cinderella ran away and work hard can solve the problem? what if she being kidnapped and being raped on her way to someplace she ran to i.e the city, to pursue that "some hard work to do"? have that thoughts ever crossed on ur mind?
she's lucky enuff having a step mom who still let her stay, at least they didn't abuse & beat her like in the real life, she tried to be happy anyway eventho talking wif birds."

^^ bener sih. tapi pemikiran takut ambil resiko kayak gitu yang akhirnya bikin banyak orang tetap tinggal dan tersiksa. Mau contoh? Dari abusive relationship sampai KDRT.

Jadi pelajaran moral apa yang mau kita ambil?

btw, kalo Madonna enggak nekat pergi dari rumahnya dengan uang cuma 20 dollar, mungkin dia enggak seperti sekarang.

atau Oprah yang miskin dan pernah diperkosa enggak memutuskan untuk mengubah hidupnya jadi lebih baik karena TAKUT sama resikonya, bisa enggak dia sehebat sekarang?

Kalau gue punya anak nanti... kisah2 itu yang bakal gue ceritain! bukan cuma:

"fairy tale has its own moral messages, the story doesn't have to make any senses to pick up some moral lessons from it."

Common anonymus... pursue ur dream. Hehe. Don't run away from real life! And pleaseee... never ever talk to birds or rats. It only works for Cinderella ;) In our world? You must get up and do the hardest work!!!!

Hey... mungkin bisa diawali dengan menuliskan nama kamu yang asli ketika komen di bloq gue :) Sayang lho komen bagus kayak gini, tapi kita enggak tau siapa yang nulis.

dan meng-quote diri lo:

"well, it's just my opinion."


ps: "maybe you could wondering and asking question about other tales too? there are hundreds or more of them. they created them to sweeten these real bitter life." <-- btw, Shrek did that! :) hehe.


Kristi Fredzky said...

way to go QB!
makin hari blog kmu makin berisi ajaa..hehhe
keep da good work ^^

Anonymous said...

couldn't agree more queen (:
bener banget, her step sisters are just a victims.
malah kalo setau gue, di cerita versi aslinya, kan kakaknya ada dua,
yang satunya itu baik loh, bukan 22nya jahat (:

andRa said...

Tapi di film Cinderella 2, Anastasia (Cinderella step sister, the redheaded one in a pink dress) akhirnya jatuh cinta sama pembuat roti, walaupun ibunya dan Drizella nggak setuju. Gue rasa inti cerita Cinderella itu, bagaimana cara seseorang untuk mencapai cintanya...

Primashaa said...

Prima setuju sama QueenBee.
Prima juga anak tiri, dan kalau Prima cuma diem aja nerima perintah ibu tiri, Prima mungkin ngga kuliah, ngga ngerti yang namanya blog, ngga tau ada QueenBee ;)
At least, hidup sama orang yang 'kelihatannya tidak sayang sama kita hanya karena khawatir akan posisinya' tidak membuat kita mati begitu saja kok, dengan mengerjakan satu atau dua permintaannya.
Just like me, bisa nyetrika dengan rapi. Hehe.
Anyway, you rock QB!

Natasha Estelle said...

wow yes i agree. its not the designers or the supermodels that ruins every girls' mental, its the fairytale that makes no sense

dhealrs said...

nah akhirnya ada juga yang sepikiran ama gw. gg adil banget deh, putri" itu cantik, (dari sononya) baik, sedikit teraniaya dan *PUFF* datanglah itu si pangeran ganteng dan mereka hidup bahagia slama-lamanya zzzttt. sedangkan tokoh antagonisnya (biasanya) digambarkan dengan, enggak terlalu cantik, iri hati (tanpa kita lihat latar belakangnya), dan akhirnya mati atau terlupakan. padahal kan tanpa yang antagonis itu, si putri gg akan ter-aniaya dan engga akan dilirik pangeran :p

Rizky Ridho Kharismanto said...

Gilee beneerr!!
Ampe mikir "klu uda punya anak".
Kebelet kawin ya?? ^_^

Btw, kira2 pas umur 10 tahun, gw juga perna mikir hal yang sama koq.
Kenapa tom selalu aja kalah ama si kecil jerry, padahal yang usil kan si jerry.

Pernah liat power rangers?
Dlu tiap hari gw berdoa semoga aja power rangers itu mampus se-mampu mampusnya.

Ada lagi 1, Baby Huey!! Bebek ini sial banget. Ga pernah mati. Dipukul baja aja ga mempan, apalagi cuma dipotong kepalanya kek dibuat bebek goreng...!!!

Anyway, nothing wrong with those things. It's just my alter ego.

cheers ^_^

Anonymous said...

hehehe.. that's why i told you in the beginning it's only fairy tale. they made that up. the purpose is just to make ppl esp. kids happy to hear the story because the ending is nice. there are some fiction inspired by real life too with the ending we didn't like.

what i'm saying is there's a lot fiction out there. if u think about cinderella, then maybe u thoughts about others too, like why snow white did this, why jasmine did that, why just they didn't did this instead. it'll be just endless. the ending wont be like that because we're making reality and tales the same which is obviously different. aha, you can pick up moral lesson from shrek too rite? shrek is a tale too.. maybe for some other tales, it's a hidden meaning. you tell me what u learned from shrek, i kinda learned don't judge a book by it's cover.

ur examples are in real life and i told you 'what if' and at least they didn't abuse & beat her like in 'the real life' just like ur examples.

I got ur point, is about break free, is it? cinderella must stand up for herself. have you watch a cinderella story? i like her, she doesn't have to ran away from home, but she studied hard to get to the Princeton university, she pursue her dream it's because her dad used to told her cinderella story and told her that princeton university is a college for princess when she was a little girl. hence, that moment of the father reading fairy tale story to her has actually motivate her to pursue the dreams of getting to princeton, which happens to be a top university. but then again it is too a fiction.

hey u knoe some ppl talks to their pet in real life, nuthin' wrong wif that. she's kinda lonely and missed her dad, mom already passed away, she has no one metaphorically speaking. and don't think about the sisters, they deserved whatever they deserved for being mean.

girl i can't run away from my real life, i'm a chemical engineering student exams are coming soon. tell me how to, like hide in the lab? i'm on my way of pursuing it though, uni already make it halfway. i see u already had ur dreams.

hey sorry for making ur comment pages kinda full of mine. i like the way u stand for ur own opinion, maybe u shud go join debate. no hurts feelings.

Anonymous said...

Whoa well. err im not the same anonymous.

QB, I've been being one of your blog readers. I think your blog is kind of nice.

I went against anonymous' side at first. But after I read all of anonymous' comments here, I began to think that she's right too.
And I think I go against you now.
I can't actually decide.

I just want to add... this
erm okay
not all moral values can be noticed easily. One of you said that there might be hidden moral values and that's agreed.

And... I sometimes hate the plots of fairy tales. Theyre sometimes too sad-ish and all. And the character whos supposed to be the protagonist one could be hated too
Just like cinderella. I dont really like her! I think her step sisters are way better. Even though theyre not as pretty as cinderella.
Hmm in fact, cinderella is my least favorite fairy tales movies
Got a chance to puke the thoughts out

Queen Bee said...

@Rizky Ridho Kharismanto: hehehe, i love planning three steps ahead... :)

Queen Bee said...


hehehehe... thx for ur point of view.

"what if' and at least they didn't abuse & beat her like in 'the real life' just like ur examples."

tapi, kekerasan itu bukan cuma fisik aja. ada juga kekerasan psikis/mental. Kadang kekerasan non fisik itu yang lebih berbahaya.

rantai kekerasan, dalam bentuk apapun, harus diputus! dan korban juga harus melawan, enggak cuma minta bantuan.

kalo kata Bob Marley:

"Get up, stand up: stand up for your rights!

Get up, stand up: dont give up the fight!"


no hurts feeling cinderella lover :D hehehe...

ps: btw, kalau kamu menciptakan sesuatu (walau cuma tugas/skripsi kamu) jangan lupa nulis nama asli ya... jangan "anonymus" :) entar enggak dinilai lho.. hehehe...

miss artificial sweetener said...

queen, i have the same vision about fairytales just like you. .
most of them telling something that would not, or at least, most unlikely to happen.

your point about cinderella is what every grown-ups should reckon.

Marie said...

QB, do you know how hard was it to live in the 16th century? The time of plague, hunger and poverty? And have you ever read the real grimm's cinderella version? Guess not.

And I guess that you're saying all those hard work stuffs while sitting in a mercedes, wearing warm clothes and with full stomach.

You know, it is wise to research deeper before writing.

Hope you're willing to learn more about what's called 'the real life'. And also hope you can have all the fame and money the celebrity always wanted :)

And oh, I don't have a blog. So.. :)

Willing to approve my comment?

Queen Bee said...

@ marie: "And I guess that you're saying all those hard work stuffs while sitting in a mercedes, wearing warm clothes and with full stomach."

wow... are you stalking me? hehehe... No, i don't have any mercedes. But thx for your pray :) lol

and thank youuuu for your info. i'm so happy i have a new "Marie" in my life that know so much about Cinderella and fairy tale from 16th century... and i hope you don't read, ehm research, it from wikipedia.

but, IMHO, every century had their own "plague, hunger and poverty"... we live in a 3rd country that have so many "plague, hunger and poverty" cases than 16th century. so, because that reason, it's okay to spread "oh, please save me my prince" fairy tale? and give the kids a wrong message?

Ah, but never ever listen to me... I'm just a so called celebrity... not a chemical engineering student (plus a cinderella geek). celebrity doesn't have any opinion and never do the research... right? we just want the fame and money... celebrity is fake, shallow and doesn't have a heart like Marie-an-ex-blog-anonymus.

oh well... or maybe you must stop reading or watching celebrity gossips.

or try to STOP judging people... [err.. or celebrity (in this case)].

btw... Marie sounds better than anonymus :)

Marie said...

Hey I'm not "the anonymous"
My first time giving comment here, actually
Maybe the last :)
No I'm not judging you, I'm just saying that... not every single thing got the same solution (in this case wake up and work hard)
But oh well, I get it know
Thanks for being so defensive and judgmental while telling me not to judge you :)
You have a great day, dear child

Hmm... wondering will this past your editing

PS. what's wrong with wiki anyway?

Nona Lolita Theobroma said...

menurutku (telat ni ngasi komennya, hehee):

aku suka2 aja sm cinderella ato fairytales yang laen-laen..bikin pikiran jadi cerah ajaa..hehee

emg sih, dongeng2 bgitu tuh shallow, dangkal. tapi buatku, it's fine. aku juga suka shrek. shrek ga menggambarkan prefeksionis dan kenaifan kayak di dongeng2 laen.

tapiii naif kadang bikin aku ngelupain sisi negatif..

well, my friends said thai i AM naive..hahahhahaaa...

peach said...

nice perspective! hahaha..
nglamun terus, males tnyata si C. hehe
tp itulah fairy tale :]

Queen Bee said...

@ marie:

wikipedia bisa diedit oleh banyak orang dan membuat datanya enggak valid. makanya kalau skripsi enggak boleh referensi dari wikipedia.

tapi enggak tau ya kampus lo...

Pepper said...

Queen Bee,

you hit it right on the spot.

If you noticed, Cinderella is actually annoying, she always got(make) someone or something to do something for her, she just need to weep miserably with pitiful face. If her stepmother won't allow her to go to the ball, why she didn't use her brain, like say "If you let me go to the ball, I would vouch your daughters" or "If I manage to get married to the prince, I'll make sure you'll get rich and find your daughters rich nobleman". Cinderella always depends on someone else.

Not just Cinderella, you see, most of the princesses rather... stupid. Take Rapunzel, did she ever thought about being free, out of the tower, haven't she figure out that she can cut her long hair and used it to go to her prince? Another thing, how Rapunzel let other people step on her hair! and how she gonna wash it? Gross right! I actually have an issue with Rapunzel letting her hair being step all over. LOL

Fairy tales, stories that were made to instill good moral values, but it's not as relevant today as it is long time ago. That's why I love Shrek too.

If i have children, I might get them some fairy tales story book, but I'll might also tell them that the not the same as the book tells you.

In real world, you can't wait for a fairy god mother to come and help you, you need to help yourself first before expecting help from others.

In fairy tale, you can easily tell who's the good one, who's the bad one. However in real world, there is always gray area between good and evil.

Another thing, if someone is bullying you, don't talk the birds or mouse, or tree, or grave. Tell someone. You might get killed if you didn't tell anyone.

imonika said...

hi there =]
seneng deh baca postingan kamu yang satu ini. saya setujuu bgt sama kamu! kalau cinderella enggak gila harta, ngapain juga coba dia ngotot dateng ke pesta dansa?hihi.
coba deh baca 'The Politically Correct Bedtime Stories' sama tulisan Intan Paramaditha yg judulnya 'Gadis Buta Tanpa Ibu Jari'.
Disitu dibahas fakta-fakta menyoal si putri-bodoh Cinderella ini;]