1. WC yang jorok!
2. WC yang jorok!!
3. WC yang joroooooooooooooooooooookkk!!!
WC yang jorok itu lebih parah daripada enggak ada WC sama sekali... Kalau enggak ada WC sama sekali, secara naluriah kita bakal nahan pipis kita. Kalau ada tapi jorok? Otomatis elo akan bimbang dan ragu... pipis? enggak? pipis? hmmm... keputusan yang sulit... yang jujur aja, bikin gue NGIRI SAMA COWOK yang bisa pipis seenaknya. Kapan aja. Dimana saja. Kalau elo hidup di Jakarta, coba aja lo nengok ke luar mobil lo, dan elo akan menemukan para cowok yang pipis sembarangan... yuuuckkk!!!
So, YES!!! I'm thinking about standing while I pee. And I thought it's just me and MY LONGLOST DREAM.. untill, ms. Google struck me by her lightning:
hehehe... ;p
hehehe... ;p
buy! buy! buy!!!!! hehehehe :D
OMaiGoD.. du not ever tink ebot stending pee!
Queen bee sebenernya apaan se?
kira-kira kejadian apa yang bikin si pembuatnya bikin nih benda ya?
what actually happened by then? hahahaha!
Queenbee, thanks a lot buat postingan kmu tentang ini. Aku juga paling anti wc jorok!! Tell me if it's available in Indonesia, hehe^^ Aniwae, i think you should buy it!
i am actually surprised that u even thought of posting this....interesting...
ahahahaha... i can't imagine when girls doing the standing pee... it will look so funny... LOL
Buy it !
haha ga perlu repot klo lg kebelet.hmm packagingnya jg lucu :)
actually..di indo jg ada kok its called peezy klo ga salah..yg buat temen2 gw anak prasmul
check here http://www.facebook.com/group.php?gid=44133023967
i think a bit weird deh klo pake alat itu.. hemm.
hi kak qb,
i think you should buy it if you are going for a camp trip, it will be useful!
if i'm going for a camp,i might buy it too,hihihihi :P
wah ada2 aja ya....
betuulll lo harus beliii...
gw sering pake PEEZY,,dan it works!
murah pula...cm 5000 dpt 3 pieces dan lgs buang...lo buka aja webnya..
very recommended!
knp ga jongkok di wc yg duduk aja?
standing kan susa ;)
@ dinda cariza :
naah, ketauan banget yaa, kalo elo yang suka jongkok di wc duduuuuk!! (it's so gross, you know!)
you should, you should!!!
it doesn't feel right when I picture a girl actually stands when she pees.............
kayaknya jadi pengen beli juga tuh. hehehehe... thx anyway
ok tuh kalau di beli satu..
nama nya aja WC umum..pastu jorok la~!
btw, thx for pasting diz..
you should see this:
ini yang pertama loh di indonesia! =)
or see its groups at facebook:
it''ll shock you as well =)
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